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Mobile communications

Related to means of communication that function via radion waves rather than along cables, such as mobile telephones.

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Culinary arts; Cooking

En frothy type af sherbet gjort med en lys sukkersirup blandet med en væske såsom frugtsaft, champagne eller sauternes. Mellemstation gennem indefrysning proces, blandingen er ...


Education; SAT vocabulary

propel, is to drive or urge forward, let go forward, let something go further.


Education; SAT vocabulary

At forudsige eller foretell, især under guddommelige inspiration og vejledning.


Education; SAT vocabulary

At afvise, som en undervisning eller en praksis, med fordømmelse eller opsigelsen.


Education; SAT vocabulary

protract, is to prolong, thus to extend in time or size, and noun is protraction.


Education; SAT vocabulary

Forårsage til at påtage sig en leaning eller hvilende holdning eller stilling.


Education; SAT vocabulary

At minde om identiteten af (en person eller ting).
