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General; Miscellaneous

Showing the desire to buy more books, despite already owning more than one could possibly read.


Language; General language

Exceedingly large of its kind, huge, enormous. It initially started by my mistakenly saying trigantic instead of gigantic, and I ...

ally espionage

Politics; International politics

This term refers to the event on spying of the United States on its ally.


Financial services; Financial instruments

A passive investment strategy, which automatically creates a hedge that helps limit losses without constant supervision. This ...


Language; Slang

English that is badly spoken by first-language English speakers. Doglish results from the blend of "doggish" (= mean, bad) and ...

english is not my mother

Language; Language learning

It is easy for anyone to make a grammatical or pronunciation mistake when speaking English, even though accent may not be an ...


Entertainment; Movies

Used to describe actor Vin Diesel when he breaks away from his typical role of mediocre acting in an action film and gives an ...


Culture; People

One who, like the black hole at the center of our galaxy, sucks in others' stories of personal success and allows not a single ...


Dance; African-American

A rare condition when one's legs and hips suffer severe pain while dancing ("I'm sorry, I'm afraid you have severe Twerkitis ...


General; Miscellaneous

This is when you have so much work that you decide to sleep instead. It is both the sleep part and the procrastination part, but ...


Sociology; General sociology

Contraction of survival+tip. Suggestions or instructions to save money or spend less to face the crisis. Examples are recipes ...


Arts & crafts; Modern art

The object responsible for the transformation of ideas into tangible reality. Originating from the latin term "omni" (meaning ...

Human advancements demand new terms.

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