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Mobile communications

Related to means of communication that function via radion waves rather than along cables, such as mobile telephones.

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Culinary arts; Cooking

Vitamin-rige væsken forlod efter madlavning grønne, grøntsager, kød, etc. denne bouillon er især populært i det sydlige USA og serveres traditionelt separat med cornbread eller ...


Education; SAT vocabulary

protrude, is to push out or thrust forth, noun is protrusion.


Education; SAT vocabulary

At fastlægge affald ved plyndring, rapine, fortærer eller andre destruktive metoder.


Education; SAT vocabulary

readjust, is put in order after disarrangement, fix things after disarrangement.


Education; SAT vocabulary

Til at arrangere igen eller i en anden rækkefølge.

salt glød

Fitness; Spa

En exfoliating behandling, hvor organet er gnides med grove salt til at fjerne det øverste lag af døde hud og stimulere omsætning.


Education; SAT vocabulary

reassure, is give new confidence, reassurance, make somebody not worry about something.
