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Wedding florals

Flowers are as common in a wedding as a white dress. For centuries, flowers have been used in bridal bouquets, as centerpieces on the tables and to decorate churches and reception halls. The beauty in their colors, shapes and textures as well as their fragrance and what certain flowers represent make them the perfect accompaniment to every style of wedding. Whether you consider yourself an authority on flowers, an admirer or completely clueless, you can pull off a fabulous floral design for your wedding.

Contributors in Wedding florals

Wedding florals


Weddings; Wedding florals

Speciel skum anvendt i blomsterdekorationer. Oasis passer i en buket indehaveren og bevarer vand som en svamp, fugtende blomster for en udvidet tidsperiode.


Weddings; Wedding florals

En ring af blomster eller andre dekorative materialer, der kan fungere som centerpiece, Cap eller dør hanger.

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