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Soccer is a competitive sport usually played between two teams of 11 players with a spherical ball. The object of the game is to kick the ball into the opposing team's goal. Participants are not allowed to use their hands to touch the ball with the exception of throwing the ball back into play after it goes out of bounds.
Industry: Sports
Tilføj et nyt ordContributors in Soccer
FIFA Fair Play pokalen
Sports; Soccer
Indledt i 1970, er det en award uddeles til team med den bedste fairplay post.
Golden Glove Award
Sports; Soccer
Dette er en award, givet til den bedste målmand under FIFA World cup finals.
Bedste unge spiller
Sports; Soccer
Indledt i 2006, er det en award uddeles til bedste spiller på FIFA World cup finals, der er under 21 år i begyndelsen af kalenderåret.
Gyldne Boot
Sports; Soccer
En award uddeles til den person, der scorer flest mål i en Liga eller turnering, altid bruges i fodbold.