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Professional photography

Professional photography is the occupation of taking pictures and selling them freelance or as part of a contract usually with a publication.

Contributors in Professional photography

Professional photography

Skjul billed

Photography; Professional photography

Et menupunkt, der tillader brugere at skjule eller afsløre fotografier.


Photography; Professional photography

At placere markøren på et menupunkt eller et andet element i en grafisk brugergrænseflade.


Photography; Professional photography

En graf, der viser fordelingen af pixels af forskellig lysstyrke i et billede. Den vandrette akse giver lysstyrke, den lodrette akse antallet af pixels.

hot-shoe kontakt

Photography; Professional photography

Terminalen for direkte tilslutning af valgfri flashenheder.

bounce flash

Photography; Professional photography

Lys fra en flash bevidst rettet for at afspejle fra en anden overflade, såsom loft, før de når emnet.


Photography; Professional photography

En indstilling i tilstanden "portræt" scene, der producerer lysere hudfarver.


Photography; Professional photography

En subjektiv foranstaltning svarende til den gennemsnitlige værdi mellem sort og hvid.

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Stanford University

Kategori: Education   2 5 Terms

EMA, SmPC and PIL terms in EN, FI

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