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Plastic injection molding

Plastic injection molding is the primary process for manufacturing plastic parts used in consumer goods such as computer keyboards, monitors, bottle caps, cups and solid plastic articles. Plastic is known to be a very versatile and economical material that is used in many applications. Injection molding involves taking plastic in the form of pellets or granules and heating this material until a melt is obtained. Then the melt is forced into a split-die chamber/mold where it is allowed to "cool" into the desired shape. The mold is then opened and the part is ejected, at which time the cycle is repeated.

Contributors in Plastic injection molding

Plastic injection molding

stress krakning

Manufacturing; Plastic injection molding

Der er tre typer af stress revner: 1. termisk stress cracking er forårsaget af længerevarende eksponering af del til forhøjede temperaturer eller sollys. 2. Fysisk stress revner opstår mellem ...

blokering & anticaking agenter

Manufacturing; Plastic injection molding

Disse tilsætningsstoffer bruges til at forhindre adhæsion og bymæssigt område af ingredienser inden for en harpiks sammensatte.


Manufacturing; Plastic injection molding

Disse tilsætningsstoffer bruges til at forhindre de negative virkninger af ozon for harpiks materialer.

modulus i flexure

Manufacturing; Plastic injection molding

Forholdet mellem flexure stress at stamme inden for elastisk materiale.

bulk faktor

Manufacturing; Plastic injection molding

Forholdet mellem mængden af enhver given masse af løs plast materiale til omfanget af den samme masse af materiale efter støbning.

Young's modulus

Manufacturing; Plastic injection molding

Forholdet mellem trækstyrke stress til trækstyrke stamme under den proportionale grænse.


Manufacturing; Plastic injection molding

Forholdet mellem massefylden af et materiale i forhold til densiteten af vand ved normalt atmosfærisk tryk (1 ATM) og stuetemperatur (73 f).

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