Contributors in Movies
Entertainment; Movies
Also Known As: Genny, Genny Operator. A mechanical engine which produces electricity from fuel (usually diesel). Frequently used for location shooting, either due to the unavailability or ...
Entertainment; Movies
The sharpness of an image, or the adjustments made on a camera necessary to achieve this. See also focus puller.
Entertainment; Movies
Action is called during filming to indicate the start of the current take. See also cut, speed, lock it down.
Entertainment; Movies
Også kendt som: Make up, Make-up, Makeup Artist, Makeup vejleder. Dekorationer anbringes direkte på huden eller hår af skuespiller for kosmetisk eller kunstnerisk effekt. Udøvere kaldes kunstnere ...
Entertainment; Movies
Also Known As: Martial Arts, Chop-Socky, Chopsocky. A film which features hand to hand combat, usually using various Asian combat systems like Karate and the Chinese fighting styles popularly known ...
Entertainment; Movies
James Camerons 2009 episke motion picture, Avatar. Stjernespækket Sam Worthington, Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodriguez, Zoe Saldana, Giovanni Ribisi, Stephen Lang.