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Medicare & Medicaid
Medical insurance programs administered by the U.S. federal government that provide health care coverage for the elderly (people over 65) and certain people and families with low incomes and resources.
Industry: Insurance
Tilføj et nyt ordContributors in Medicare & Medicaid
Medicare & Medicaid
Hospital input prisindeks
Insurance; Medicare & Medicaid
Et alternativt navn til "hospital marked kurv."
udbetaling rate
Insurance; Medicare & Medicaid
Den samlede betaling, et hospital eller community mental sundhedscenter får når de giver Ambulant tjenester til Medicare patienter.
forebyggende ydelser
Insurance; Medicare & Medicaid
Health care til at holde dig sund eller for at undgå sygdom (eksempelvis Pap test, bækken eksamener, influenza skud og screening mammografi).