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General nature or nature terms.

Contributors in General



Biology; General

All ecosystems on Earth as well as the Earth's crust, waters, and atmosphere on and in which organisms exist; also, the sum of all living matter on Earth.


Biology; General

Taxonomic class of terrestrial vertebrates that are characterized by endothermy and feathers; descended from some group of reptiles (or possibly dinosaurs).


Biology; General

The ratio between births and individuals in a specified population at a particular time.


Biology; General

A hollow, distensible organ with muscular walls that stores urine and expels it through the urethra.


Biology; General

Underenheder (monomerer) fra hvilke proteiner (polymerer) er samlet. Hver aminosyre består af en amino funktionel gruppe, og en carboxyl syre gruppe, og adskiller sig fra andre aminosyrer ved ...


Biology; General

Også kendt som den primære struktur af en protein/polypeptid; sekvens af aminosyrer i et protein/polypeptid kontrolleret af sekvens af DNA-baser.

amniotiske æg

Biology; General

Et æg med opdelte sække (en væske-fyldt sac i som fosteret udvikler sig, en mad sac, og en affald sac) der tillod hvirveldyr til at gengive på jorden.

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