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Football, also called American Football, is a team sport consisting of two teams each of which can have 11 players on the field at any given time.
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Tilføj et nyt ordContributors in Football
Clyde Lee Edward Grosscup
Sports; Football
En tidligere amerikansk fodboldspiller og tv-station. Grosscup var en quarterback for Washington slædehunde i 1955. Han og tre af hans tidligere high school holdkammerater venstre skolen efter deres ...
Dick Guesman
Sports; Football
En professionel amerikansk fodboldspiller der spillede defensive lineman for New York Jets og Denver Broncos.
Paul Michael Guidry
Sports; Football
En college og professionel amerikansk fodboldspiller. En linebacker, han spillede college football for McNeese State University og American Football League og National Football League for Buffalo ...
Melwood Norman Buzz fyr, Jr.
Sports; Football
En amerikansk fodbold offensive lineman, der spillede professionelt i National Football League (NFL) og American Football League (AFL).