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Terms of or pertaining to the bat-and-ball game played between two teams of 11 players on a roughly circular field, at the centre of which is a rectangular 22-yard long pitch. Each team takes it in turn to bat, in which they attempt to accumulate as many runs as possible, while the other team fields, attempting to prevent the batting team scoring runs.
Industry: Sports
Tilføj et nyt ordContributors in Cricket
Sports; Cricket
En anden betegnelse for et langt hop. , Så kaldes fordi bolden preller ca. halvvejs nede af tonehøjden.
erklæring bowling
Sports; Cricket
Bevidst dårlig bowling (fuld tosses og lange humle) fra fielding-teamet at tillade batsman at score kører hurtigt og tilskynde de stridende kaptajn at erklære.
hyrden strejken
Sports; Cricket
Af en batsman, formår at modtage størstedelen af kuglerne Spainen, ofte for at beskytte en svagere batting partner. Omfatter typisk faldende tager singler tidligt i overs, og forsøger at tage singler ...