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Terms of or pertaining to the bat-and-ball game played between two teams of 11 players on a roughly circular field, at the centre of which is a rectangular 22-yard long pitch. Each team takes it in turn to bat, in which they attempt to accumulate as many runs as possible, while the other team fields, attempting to prevent the batting team scoring runs.
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marillier skudt
Sports; Cricket
Et skud spillede med bat afholdt parallelt med banen foran batsman, med det evaluerede system af bat peger mod bowler. Batsman forsøg på at bladre bolden over wicket-keeper hoved. Berømte eksponenter ...
tilbage mund skød
Sports; Cricket
Et skud spillet med den batsman vægt på hans ryg fod (dvs. mund længst bowler).
front-mund shot
Sports; Cricket
Et skud spillet med den batsman vægt på hans front fod (dvs. mund nærmeste bowler).
pagaj scoop
Sports; Cricket
Et skud, hvor batsman scoops bolden over sin skulder for at finde en grænse bag wicketkeeper eller i regionen fine ben.
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