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Accounting software

Software designed to aid accountants in recording and processing transactions.

Contributors in Accounting software

Accounting software

betinget format

Software; Accounting software

A format, such as cell shading or font color, that Excel automatically applies to cells if a specified condition is true.

titler i diagrammer

Software; Accounting software

Beskrivende tekst, der automatisk justeres efter en akse eller centreres øverst i et diagram.


Software; Accounting software

En af fem beregningstyper forespørgsel definerer for dig: Sum, Avg, Tæl, Min og Maks.

op-ned barer

Software; Accounting software

I kurvediagrammer med flere dataserier, barer, som angiver forskellen mellem datapunkter i den første og sidste serie.


Software; Accounting software

The text, date, number, or logical input that completes a condition that a field must meet for searching or filtering. For example, the field Author with the condition equals must include a value, ...


Software; Accounting software

En akse i et diagram der viser skalerede numeriske værdier.


Software; Accounting software

En forespørgsel, der henter data gemt på intranettet eller internettet.

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