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Non-profit organizations
Abbreviated as NGO, and also known as not-for-profit organisation; an organisation that does not distribute its surplus capital to shareholders or owners, but instead uses them to pursue its original goals.They are usually exempt from income and property tax and most often include charitable organisations, trade unions and public arts organisations.
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netto opererer tab (NOLs)
Metals; Steel
En indkomst-averaging bestemmelse, der tillader selskaber med tab for enten overfoere tab op til 15 år at forskudte ellers skattepligtig fremtidige indkomst eller carry tilbage ...
Lights & lighting; Lighting products
En integrerende multiplum af den grundlæggende frekvens (60 Hz), som bliver en bestanddel af aktuelt.
Harmonisk forvrængning
Lights & lighting; Lighting products
Forvrængning af et AC bølgeform forårsaget af multipler af de grundlæggende frekvens (oversvingninger). Ulige Trilling oversvingninger (tredjedele, ninths osv.) kan resultere i ...
høj virkningsgrad (energibesparelse) Elektromagnetisk ballast
Lights & lighting; Lighting products
Ballast med core & bredbånd, designet til at minimere ballast tab sammenlignet med den "standard" ballast.