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Non-profit organizations

Abbreviated as NGO, and also known as not-for-profit organisation; an organisation that does not distribute its surplus capital to shareholders or owners, but instead uses them to pursue its original goals.They are usually exempt from income and property tax and most often include charitable organisations, trade unions and public arts organisations.

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dental fluorose

Environment; Environmental conservation

Disorder forårsaget af overdreven absorption af fluor og karakteriseret ved brun farvning af tænder.


Environment; Environmental conservation

Tabet af vand fra overfladevand reservoirer eller grundvand grundvandsmagasiner med en større end infiltration hastighed.


Environment; Environmental conservation

Noget mistede eller venstre bag ved at flytte vand, som sand eller mudder.

depression foråret

Environment; Environmental conservation

En foråret dannet når tabellen vand når en jord overflade på grund af en ændring i topografi.

depression opbevaring

Environment; Environmental conservation

Vand fra nedbør, der indsamler i puddles på jordoverfladen.

Arabian Serin

Animals; Birds

Arabian Serin (Serinus rothschildi) er en spurvefugle fugl fundet i sydvestlige Arabien.

Hus Finch

Animals; Birds

Hus Finch (Carpodacus mexicanus) er en spurvefugle fugl fundet fra Mexico til sydlige Canada.
