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Non-profit organizations
Abbreviated as NGO, and also known as not-for-profit organisation; an organisation that does not distribute its surplus capital to shareholders or owners, but instead uses them to pursue its original goals.They are usually exempt from income and property tax and most often include charitable organisations, trade unions and public arts organisations.
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bange korrosion
Materials science; Corrosion engineering
Den fremskyndede forværring på grænsefladen mellem at kontakte overflader som følge af korrosion og lille Oscillerende bevægelighed mellem de to overflader; Forværring på ...
stress forholdet
Materials science; Corrosion engineering
Algebraisk forholdet mellem to angivne stress værdier i en stress cyklus. To almindeligt anvendt stress indtægtskvoten er: (1) forholdet mellem de skiftende stress amplitude til ...
Materials science; Corrosion engineering
Kunsten at producere metal pulvere og anvende metal pulvere til produktion af massiv materialer og formede objekter.
Materials science; Corrosion engineering
Bindingen af en adsorbate til en solid overflade af styrker hvis energi niveauer tilnærme dem af en kemisk bond. Kontrast med physisorption.
South Dakota
Geography; Geography
South Dakota, kendt som "The Coyote State", eller "Mount Rushmore stat," "The Sunshine stat," "The artesisk stat," "The Blizzard stat" er en stat i regionen Midtvesten i USA. Det ...