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Mobile communications

Related to means of communication that function via radion waves rather than along cables, such as mobile telephones.

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Mobile communications >


Education; SAT vocabulary

proffer,to offer to another for acceptance, accepting


Education; SAT vocabulary

prolong, is to extend in time or duration, make longer, or durable, prolongation is extension or size.


Education; SAT vocabulary

promendade, is walk for amusement or exercise, for example take a promenade along the harbor.


Education; SAT vocabulary

promulgate, to proclaim, proclamation, promulgation, for example proclaim a revolution.


Education; SAT vocabulary

At sprede i udlandet eller fra person til person.

tidsplan og kontrol

Outsourcing & offshoring; Business process outsourcing (BPO)

Enheden for Administrative Computing Services, som er ansvarlig for planlægning og kører job/produktionsprocesser og distribuere resulterende rapporter.


Sports; Climbing

Beskyttelse en simpel camming enhed, der har ingen bevægelige dele.
