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Insurance is a promise of compensation for specific potential future losses in exchange for a periodic payment. Insurance is designed to protect the financial well-being of an individual, company or other entity in the case of unexpected loss. Some forms of insurance are required by law, while others are optional. Agreeing to the terms of an insurance policy creates a contract between the insured and the insurer. In exchange for payments from the insured (called premiums), the insurer agrees to pay the policy holder a sum of money upon the occurrence of a specific event. In most cases, the policy holder pays part of the loss (called the deductible), and the insurer pays the rest. Examples include car insurance, health insurance, disability insurance, life insurance, and business insurance.
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Sports; Surfing
Underwater hylden strækker sig fra et kontinent ud til havet til en dybde på omkring 165 favn eller 1.000 fødder. Lang periode swells af ca. 20 sekunder vil begynde at føle ...
Lights & lighting; Lighting products
"Massefylden" af lys (lumen/område) hændelse på en overflade; dvs. lys plan på en overflade. Belysning måles i footcandles eller lux.
belysning meter
Lights & lighting; Lighting products
En enhed, der foranstaltninger belysning på en lokation, kalibreret enten i footcandles eller i lux. (Også kender som en lys meter--se COSINUS BERIGTIGET)
Lights & lighting; Lighting products
En lyskilde, der genererer lys udnytter en tynd glødetrådens wire (normalt af wolfram) opvarmet til hvid varme ved en elektrisk aktuelle passerer igennem den.
indirekte belysning
Lights & lighting; Lighting products
Metoden for belysning en plads ved at dirigere lyset fra Belysningsarmaturer opad mod loftet. Lys spredt off loft fremstiller en blød, diffus belysning for hele området.