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Based on the one world principle, globalization is the process of bringing the world together into one integrated global community both economically and culturally. Technological advances in transportation, and telecommunication, including the rise of the Internet and mobile networks, have all served to increase the pace of globalization.

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Beverages; Tea

En smag generelt grundet bladet bliver under visnede under fremstillingen, hvilket resulterer i en meget uslebne smag.


Biology; Biomass

Strukturer på centromeres af kromosomer som fibers af den mitotiske spindel forbindelse.


Biology; Biomass

En fibrous protein, der udfylder modne keratinocytes nær den hudens overflade.


Biology; Biomass

Den grundlæggende Celletype epidermis; produceret af basal celler i de indre lag i epidermis.

Nyre sten

Biology; Biomass

Krystalliseret indskud af overskydende affald såsom urinsyre, calcium og magnesium, der kan danne i nyren.


Biology; Biomass

Den energi, der kræves for at varme 1000 gram vand fra 14,5 til 15.5 grader C.


Religion; Buddhism

Et stort antal.
