Schlumberger Limited
Industry: Oil & gas
Number of terms: 8814
Number of blossaries: 0
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Депозит или покрытие формируется на поверхности металла, рок или другого материала. Шкала вызваны осадков из-за химической реакции с поверхности, осадков, вызванных химических реакций, изменение давления или температуры или изменения в составе раствора. Термин также применяется к коррозии продукт. Типичные весы являются карбонат кальция, сульфат кальция, сульфат бария, стронция сульфат, сульфид железа, оксиды железа, карбонат железа, различных силикатов и фосфатов и оксидов или любой из нескольких соединений, нерастворимых или слегка растворим в воде.
Industry:Oil & gas
A dense mineral whose specific gravity is 4. 67 g/cm<sup>3</sup>, composed of FeO路TiO<sub>2</sub>. Ilmenite is used as a weighting agent for cement and mud.
Industry:Oil & gas
A coring fluid formulated with components that are not likely to alter the wettability in the pores of the rock sample and that has low dynamic filtration characteristics. These qualities help retain the core&apos;s native properties and can retain some (or all) of the reservoir&apos;s fluids (water, oil and gas (gas only if kept under pressure)). Bland water-base fluid is formulated to make the filtrate resemble the connate water in the reservoir. Keeping ionic composition and especially the pH matched to the reservoir water is most important. Thus, strong alkaline agents and clay deflocculants are avoided when designing bland coring fluids. Bland oil-base fluids should contain no water phase, and the base oil should resemble the reservoir oil. (Reservoir crude is used in some cases. ) Amine, amide, phosphonated and sulfonated emulsifiers and the powerful oil-wetting agents are also avoided. Fatty acid soaps are chosen to emulsify the trace of water that is likely to be encountered. Additives that minimize dynamic filtration rate must be chosen. Setting mud density and bit hydraulics to give equivalent circulating density close to the reservoir pressure helps avoid filtrate invasion into the core. Designing core bits to core as fast as possible also limits filtrate invasion ahead of the bit.
Industry:Oil & gas
Сополимер винилацетата (Разбрызгивательное полимер) и безводный малеиновой кислоты (ди гидрокси кислоты). Компонент полимер Винил ацетат является обычно высокой молекулярной массой. Таким образом с полярными группами по структуре, он используется в качестве флокулянта или бентонит расширителя.
Industry:Oil & gas
Сополимер полистирола (содержащие сульфанат групп на кольцо) и безводный малеиновой кислоты (ди гидрокси кислоты). Компонент полимер сульфокислотных кольцо структура анионных и обычно низкой и умеренной длины цепи и молекулярный вес. Таким образом с отрицательным группами по структуре (количество негатива в зависимости от степени сульфирования), он используется как глина трехвалентный для грязи на основе бентонита воды. Это особенно устойчивы к температуре до вокруг 400掳F (204掳C) и часто используется в высокой плотности растворов для стабилизации реологических свойств. Лигносульфонат используется для этой цели до около 300掳F (149掳C) и затем SSMA полимерных трехвалентный часто постепенно в системе грязь для сверления глубже и жарче зон.
Industry:Oil & gas
Сокращение сокращения-окисления, тип химической реакции, в которой находится один реагент сокращены (выгоды электронов), а другая окисляется (теряет электроны). Примеры redox грязи химии являются: (1) сульфит анионов для удаления молекулярного кислорода, удаление (2) сульфид, кислород или перекись, окисление (3) воздуха лигнита для создания более гуминовые кислоты, (4) сульфат сокращения бактерий, которые генерируют сульфид-ионов биологических окислительно-восстановительных реакций, (5) хромат ионов преобразуется в хромовый Ион в грязи системы.
Industry:Oil & gas
A continuous measurement of formation properties with electrically powered instruments to infer properties and make decisions about drilling and production operations. The record of the measurements, typically a long strip of paper, is also called a log. Measurements include electrical properties (resistivity and conductivity at various frequencies), sonic properties, active and passive nuclear measurements, dimensional measurements of the wellbore, formation fluid sampling, formation pressure measurement, wireline-conveyed sidewall coring tools, and others. In wireline measurements, the logging tool (or sonde) is lowered into the open wellbore on a multiple conductor, contra-helically armored wireline. Once lowered to the bottom of the interval of interest, the measurements are taken on the way out of the wellbore. This is done in an attempt to maintain tension on the cable (which stretches) as constant as possible for depth correlation purposes. (The exception to this practice is in certain hostile environments in which the tool electronics might not survive the temperatures on bottom for the amount of time it takes to lower the tool and then record measurements while pulling the tool up the hole. In this case, "down log" measurements might actually be conducted on the way into the well, and repeated on the way out if possible. ) Most wireline measurements are recorded continuously even though the sonde is moving. Certain fluid sampling and pressure-measuring tools require that the sonde be stopped, increasing the chance that the sonde or the cable might become stuck. Logging while drilling (LWD) tools take measurements in much the same way as wireline-logging tools, except that the measurements are taken by a self-contained tool near the bottom of the bottomhole assembly and are recorded downward (as the well is deepened) rather than upward from the bottom of the hole (as wireline logs are recorded).
Industry:Oil & gas
A contamination problem caused by Ca<sup>+2</sup> ions, usually occurring in fresh water, seawater and other low-salinity and low-hardness mud systems. Soluble calcium comes into a mud from various sources: gypsum- or anhydrite-bearing strata, unset cement and hardness ions in make-up water or from an influx of formation water. Ca<sup>+2</sup> can flocculate colloidal clays and precipitate large anionic polymers that contain carboxylate groups, such as an acrylate polymer. On the other hand, some mud types tolerate calcium, in which case calcium is not considered a contaminant.
Industry:Oil & gas
Контейнер, обычно из стали и оснащены крепкий замок, для хранения сверла, особенно выше стоимости PDC и алмазов бит. Эти биты являются чрезвычайно дорогостоящей, но часто небольшие по размеру, поэтому они склонны к краже.
Industry:Oil & gas
A conical-shaped funnel, fitted with a small-bore tube on the bottom end through which mud flows under a gravity head. A screen over the top removes large particles that might plug the tube. In the test standardized by API for evaluating water-base and oil-base muds, the funnel viscosity measurement is the time (in seconds) required for one quart of mud to flow out of a Marsh funnel into a graduated mud cup. Funnel viscosity is reported in seconds (for a quart). Water exits the funnel in about 26 seconds. This test was one of the earliest mud measurements for field use. Simple, quick and fool-proof, it still serves as a useful indicator of change in the mud by comparing mud-in and mud-out sample funnel viscosities. <br><br> Hallan N. Marsh of Los Angeles published the design and use of his funnel viscometer in 1931, and it is worth the time to read the detailed, often humorous, discussion that followed. Mr. Marsh was a forward thinking mud technologist in his day, as can be seen from the following words from his 1931 AIME paper: <blockquote> "The subject of mud sounds so simple, uninteresting and unimportant that it has failed to receive the attention that it deserves, at least as applied to the drilling of oil wells. As a matter of fact, it is one of the most complicated, technical, important and interesting subjects in connection with rotary drilling. "</blockquote> Mr. Marsh was quoted by someone who knew him as saying (paraphrased), "Of all the things I have done in mud technology, I am remembered for inventing this d*** funnel. "<br><br>Reference:<br>Marsh H: "Properties and Treatment of Rotary Mud," Petroleum Development and Technology, Transactions of the AIME (1931): 234-251.
Industry:Oil & gas