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A concise glossary of English-Chinese tablet terms


Company: Bank of America Corp.

46 Terms

Created by: Ruolan Jiang

Number of Blossarys: 1

My Terms
Collected Terms

亦称“期权保险费”。期权合约买方为取得期权合约所赋予的某种金融资产或商品的买卖选择权而付给期权合约卖方的费用。它是期权的价格。一般,签订的期权合约的平均期权费为合约交易的金融资产或商品价格的10% 左右。该笔费用通常在交易后两个营业日交付,它代表了买方最大的损失额,从而也代表了卖方最大的利润额。期权费在交易所内由交易双方委托经纪人通过公开竞价来确定,其大小主要取决于:①期权合约的有效期。有效期限越 ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: Finance

The current price of any specific option contract that has yet to expire. For stock options, the premium is quoted as a dollar amount per share and most contracts represent the commitment of 100 ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: Finance

将不同的债务、不同利率的债务或交割期不同的同种货币的债务,由交易双方按照市场行情签订预约,以事先约定的公式在约定期限内交换现金流的金融交易行为。互换可以被视为一系列的远期合约的组合。第一份互换合约产生于1981年。 ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: Finance

Traditionally, the exchange of one security for another to change the maturity (bonds), quality of issues (stocks or bonds), or because investment objectives have changed. Recently, swaps have grown ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: Finance

亦称“选择权”。交易的一方给予另一方在期权合约到期日或到期日之前的有效期限内,按协定价格选择是否买入或卖出一定数量的金融资产或商品的权利。期权的买卖双方各有其相对应的权利和义务。期权的买方有权利选择在到期日或到期日之前的有效期间的任何一天买入或卖出某种金融资产或商品,也有权利转让或放弃期权。期权的卖方在买方期权有效期内都必须履行合约的规定,不论行情怎样变化,均得卖给买方或从买方购进约定的金融资产或 ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: Finance

A financial derivative that represents a contract sold by one party (option writer) to another party (option holder). The contract offers the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call) or ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: Finance

亦称“盈余”。“逆差”或“赤字”的对称。国际收支平衡表中反映出来的贷方余额,表中数字前冠以“ +”号,表明国家各项对外经济交易收入大于支出的部分。若一国国际收支中自主性交易汇总后收入大于支出,则称为一国国际收支顺差。顺差在记账作表时,通常用黑字表示,故亦称黑字。 ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: Finance

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