Home > Blossary: Xbox 360 Russian glossary


Company: Microsoft

128 Terms

Created by: federica.masante

Number of Blossarys: 31

My Terms
Collected Terms

Currency purchased in order to redeem merchandise on Xbox LIVE.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

A group of players on Xbox LIVE that can play games and chat together.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Xbox LIVE offering that showcases server based events and prizes for the Xbox LIVE community.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

For Xbox, Marketplace is the area of Xbox LIVE where Xbox merchandise and services are sold.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Games that are created by the Xbox community and downloaded from the Xbox LIVE service, typically with a fee to play the full game. Formerly called Community Games.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Games and other applications that are served and run directly from the Xbox LIVE service, typically with an additional fee to play.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

An area of Xbox LIVE that caters to a particular style of gameplay. Four zones exist: pro, recreation, family, and underground.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

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