Home > Blossary: Catholic Rites and Rituals
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Category: Religion

22 Terms

Created by: paul01234

Number of Blossarys: 51

My Terms
Collected Terms

Uno dei sette sacramenti della Chiesa cattolica, ordinazione è il credente che subiscono i voti per portare altri cattolici, amministrando i sacramenti, predicazione e che li conduce.

Domain: Religion; Category: Catholic church

Ritul de evacuând demonii sau spiritele malefice de o persoană. Biserica Catolică îl descrie ca orice rugăciune în numele lui Isus Hristos invocă protecția împotriva cel rău şi stăpânirea ...

Domain: Religion; Category: Catholic church

The rite of evicting demons or malevolent spirits from a person. The Catholic Church describes it as any prayer in the name of Jesus Christ invoking protection against the Evil One and his dominion.

Domain: Religion; Category: Catholic church

The declaration by the Church of a deceased person to be a saint. Note that not being canonized does not imply not being a saint, as canonization is only the recognition of the fact.

Domain: Religion; Category: Catholic church

Rare these days, miracles are phenomena unexplainable by science that are attributed to God or to the intervention of His saints, often concerning healing, stigmata, or other beneficent phenomena.

Domain: Religion; Category: Catholic church

One of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church, ordination is the believer undergoing vows to lead other Catholics by administering sacraments, by preaching, and by leading them.

Domain: Religion; Category: Catholic church

Fasting in a lighter context, where the believer simply forbids themselves from eating certain foods – in the Catholic context of Lent, this usually means any form of red meat.

Domain: Religion; Category: Catholic church

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