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Human evolution

Otherwise known as anthropogeny; anything of or relating to the study of the origin and evolution of Homo sapiens as a distinct species from other hominids, great apes and placental mammals.

Contributors in Human evolution

Human evolution


Archaeology; Human evolution

En form for Flint normalt fundet i ophobning af kridt.


Archaeology; Human evolution

Tilhører de samme arter.


Archaeology; Human evolution

De fleste superior cervical tværtappe, støtte den kraniehulen artikulation.


Archaeology; Human evolution

Enkeltstrenget DNA-virus, der replikerer via dobbelt-strenget DNA mellemprodukter. The DNA integrerer i værtens kromosom hvor det kan være transkriberet.

asterionic hak

Archaeology; Human evolution

Hak bunden-bag af parietal bone, placeret over den mastoid processen.


Archaeology; Human evolution

(1) Afledt eller apomorphic, afviger fra den ancestral betingelse; (2) tilpasset en begrænset række ressourcer.


Archaeology; Human evolution

Vedrørende brystkassen (thorax) især ribbearing hvirvlerne under den cervical og over lændehvirvlernes tværtappe.

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